Sim: Simon LeBon

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And here is Simonnn...and as it was with John, there really is not much that needs to be said here that has not been said again, and again, and yet even again. Though I will say one thing, the man has energy that would give teenagers a run for the money. He sings, walks,saunters,struts,prowls,gestures,
taunts,and looks sexy as hell in a chauffeur hat. I did not know he could play the pan flute either. Minus the hooves, which is good.
You are adored by all of us...
Keep on singing for those lead singers who had to put the microphones away and take a different path for a while.
You are truly one of a kind.
Thank you for all the memories.


Date of Birth: October 27th,1958
Full Name: Simon Charles Le Bon
Place of Birth: Watford, England
Favorite Food: All / anything
Nickname: Charly,Charlie,Charley(s) sp(?)
Height: 6'2'' in orrrrr like John: 188 cm.
Self portrait-1984
Eastern jangles,flashes,jungles,all purple,gold,and red. A crimson flag to herald the dawn, and from the center(centre) of the liquid flame steps the man.
