Duran's Inspirations and Others
Hello there all yet
By clicking on the link above, you will be brought
to another part of my fan site, which contains Duran Duran song lyrics, guitar tabs/chords, (bass included on a few), some
DD animated gifs, and a few just general music oriented animated gifs. But the main part of the second section you are to
see, consists mostly of the bands/singers, who had a profound influence on Duran Duran, and whom where they first found and
delved much inspiration from.
I have included a page as well that gives a very brief
history of Arcadia, and The Power Station, both of which the members of Duran Duran went individually into and were involved
with until Duran Duran yet again came into being in the mid to late 90's...but with only 3-4 of the original members, depending
on the designated time frame. As far as to those bands and musicians that influenced DD, I gave a page to each, wrote a brief
history on the said band, and tried to at least offer 1 midi file, so as to have you all get to know the styles of each of
these musicians, and maybe giving us a chance to get an idea of the sound that DD would later take and create on their own,
but where they got at least a basis from. Some of these bands, musicians, I was able to find many midis for. (Ex.- David
Bowie) But for a few of the others, midi files for any song of theirs were not very plentiful, but I at least was able to
find 1 or 2 for these groups. So you at least will have an idea of their music style.
This section , though not yet fully completed, has
the last page as an "in memoriam", dedicated to all those who inspired DD, and to those that were not only considered by Simon,
Nick, John , Andy , and Roger, just as bandmates, but whom they considered most all, a friend...
May they fly amongst the angels....